Each season, we limit our focus to a very small and select group of high potential hockey players. This private program is geared towards players that have a goal of playing college hockey. We accept players from ages 6 to 20. Our private lessons are strictly 1 on 1. This training is not inexpensive, but the detail and depth at which we get involved with each player is unmatched.

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Statistics show that there are well over 1.5 million youth hockey players in the world. This number is growing rapidly with other “non-traditional” hockey countries beginning to participate. (i.e. China, Japan, etc.) This explosion of hockey talent throughout the world is making it extremely difficult for U.S. players to earn college scholarships. The current college environment offers three levels of college hockey:

Division 1 Schools - There are currently 64 D1 men’s teams, and 43 D1 women’s teams in the NCAA that are allowed to offer scholarships. Each team carries around 25 players, but the NCAA limits the number of scholarships to 18 per team. However, the scholarships the school offers do not have to be “full” scholarships and can be divided up amongst more than 18 players (partial scholarship). For example, a player can get a two year scholarship and have to pay for the other two years of school. 

Consider these numbers. There are typically 4 years of college, thus 4 classes (Fr., Soph., Jr., and Sr.). each team will only recruit approximately 6 players per year to fill their roster. That comes out to a total of 384 men and 306 women that will get recruited to play D1 hockey each year. A portion of these players will receive only partial scholarships. Considering these players are coming from all over the world, making it to this level is incredibly challenging.

Division 3 Schools - There are currently 84 schools that support D3 men’s hockey and 67 women’s teams. Although highly competitive, Division 3 schools are not allowed to offer scholarships. 

Club Hockey - There are approximately 400 men’s club teams and 64 women’s teams. These teams are not at the level of D1 or even D3 schools but should be considered very good hockey opportunities which can certainly enrich the college experience for the player. 

Our experience tells us that the players that succeed at making a college roster are 3-5% better than the players that don’t make it. That 3-5% manifests itself in the players skill set and even more importantly at this level, in their mental processing. Additionally, the very best players have an incredible “compete level”. They simply hate to lose. 

The mental processing speeds, in addition to the high-end offensive/defensive tactics of top players, is getting so sophisticated that players without detailed training will have little chance of separating themselves from other good players. 

Being selected to play D1 hockey is extremely challenging, but not impossible. We truly believe that with proper physical and mental training, we can develop more D1 talent in this area. The real secret lies in the details of the player's skill set and tactics. To build the 3-5% difference takes an in-depth development process. Our experience tells us that even really good players will not make it without a “competitive advantage”. Some players are so close to success but lack that extra little something. That extra little something can be developed through a consistent series of private training sessions.

Train with someone who has a proven track record of developing D1 players. Train with someone who knows what a D1 scholarship player looks like. Train with someone who has a passion for “teaching” the physical and mental skills needed to succeed. Train with someone who has the communication skills that relate to today’s players.

We have had very good success training local players that have achieved a high level of success. We know exactly what it takes to become, what we call, a 3-5% player. Our fully customized private lessons can provide the “competitive advantage” needed to stand out. 

Private lessons provide the individual player with the exact training they need. We personally take a deep dive into the player's game. We personally attend the player's games and videotape their performance. These video tapes are thoroughly examined using our own statistical analysis method. This analysis is then used to create a specific practice plan for that individual player. This deep dive into the player, coupled with a carefully crafted plan of attack, can dramatically accelerate the improvement rate of the player. 

The first part of our process is the “gap analysis”. This deep research into the player’s physical and mental capabilities is critical. Attending games is a major part of the information gathering process. These games will be videotaped and analyzed in great detail. Viewing the player's games and analyzing the game tape will provide us  with an excellent understanding of the player's strengths, weaknesses, and game situation tendencies.

These strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies will be analyzed to identify areas of opportunity. After identifying these areas of opportunity, a plan of attack will be developed to increase the player's success rate in these situations.

It is extremely important that the player and teacher work in collaboration. Nothing is forced upon the player. With our guidance, the player and teacher work in unison to develop the player's unique abilities. This process creates ownership on the part of the player. We have found that if the player has a major say in the way they envision themselves playing, they are more likely to achieve that vision. 

The feedback loop - In certain circumstances, video cameras are brought onto the ice to film specific tactical elements. The player is shown this footage immediately for instant feedback. The coach then corrects and suggests options for the player to be more effective in that situation. The player will then go right back and re-perform the drill until both coach and player are satisfied. This constant “feedback loop” is critical to achieving high end results. We are constantly striving for significant improvement in skills and tactics so the player can transfer these new weapons immediately to the next game. 

This unique setting is unlike anything the player has experienced before. Working with the player instead of simply barking instructions at the player is how today’s top players get that 3-5% advantage. “The competitive advantage”.

We have multiple training packages available. Please email Coach Rutherford to apply for acceptance into the program. Some daily scheduling options include before school, after school, weekends, etc. We have ice time access to every rink in Western New York. Whatever your scheduling challenges are, we have a solution!!

Because the total number of students accepted is so small, each player will have to apply for acceptance. The first step is to email Coach Rutherford to let him know you are interested in applying. Coach will then communicate with you on the costs of the different training packages and potential scheduling options to see if this is something you definitely want to invest in.

The next step is determining if Coach Rutherford feels the player is ready for this type of training and commitment level. Since the goal of this training is to ultimately get the player to the college hockey level, the player and family must be committed to the process. The age of the player is irrelevant in determining acceptance into the program. We currently have players from 6 to 17 years old. 

If this program looks like something your player would be interested in then don’t hesitate to contact us. It could be a life changing opportunity for your son or daughter.